Saturday, August 31, 2024

 I have had a few experiences that have been super neat sense Denton has passed away.  I have always felt like he has stayed close to his family and is helping all of us as much as he can.  While he was alive, Denton dedicated  everything he had to his family.  There wasn't anything more important than family, and everyone knew that.  After his second stroke I think one of the hardest things for him would have been to not be helping his family anymore.  He has helped our family so much and i can name so many times he dropped everything in his life to help me.  He helped us fix up our first home and was there everyday to do what ever, and helped us build our next home.  He ran right over when I would call him for help with kids or medical questions.  He was an amazing man and I knew I could count on him for anything and everything.  On his first birthday after passing, we all got together and had a celebration for him.  We climbed to the top of the injin joe's cave and we watched money making morons.  Had a slice of his favorite fruit pizza and shared memories of him.  I felt very close to him and that night when I said my prayers I asked our father in Heaven to wish Denton a happy birthday and to give him a hug from me.  As soon as I said it, I felt a tightness and arms around me.  I opened my eyes to see who it was and no one was there.  It lasted only seconds but the feeling was amazing and it has been hard to explain.  There was a pressure and a warmth to it.  I know without a doubt that I received a hug from Denton and that he is watching over us.  

Another experience I had with Denton was right after Brad died, we were all staying at my parents house.  I was almost half awake and it was morning.  Ryan was talking and I remember just thinking in my head that I wanted him to be quiet because I didn't want to fully wake up.  I was talking to Denton and he was giving me advice and help with the lose of my brother.  I wish I could have wrote it all down as soon as I woke up because it all seemed cloudy that fast.  But while I was in that state It was all so clear and he was just talking to me so clearly.  He had done this once before right after Haley had died and it was so very special to me.  He had also experieced hard losses and he talked to me about how hard it was for him when his brothers lost their sons and how hard it is to watch them suffer such hard things. It was more than words that he was saying it was just comfort and love that I was feeling.  When I was sort of waking up, In my dream I didn't want to go and I just said, wait.... Is this real?  He said yes and I asked him how can I prove it to Ryan that it is really you?  It was so strange because as soon as I said that I was seeing what almost seemed to be home videos of Ryan with Denton.  There was one that was Ryan, Chase and Denton and they were driving a rc car and Ryan was wearing a stripped shirt with cut off shorts and a hat and chase was just a little boy around 6 or so.  It was so clear like I was there.  I really want to watch a bunch of home movies now to see if there is something just like it.  Anyway, right when they were in a group of people driving the rc car.  Chase pulled his pants down and went pee on a tree and it was so funny.   

Then the next thing I saw was Denton and Judy walking across a street in California it looked like and they were going to a beach or something.  They had a baby and I remember it being Julie.  Denton had her in something like a blanket or a cooler or something because they didn't have a stroller.  It was really funny the way he was caring her. 

I woke up and tears were just already rolling down my face.  It was so real and I hope to never forget that experience as well.  Later that night we were getting ready to go to the Mueller Christmas party and Alexis was doing my hair.  I started to tell her about my dream and she started to cry.  She told me that before she had gone to bed the night before, she had asked if Denton could be with me to help me feel better after losing my brother.  It was such a cool experience and hearing her say those words just took the air out of my chest and made my heart burst.  It was a very wonderful feeling and I am so thankful that I was able to have it.  It is something that sounds unreal but I know it is true.